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21 Days of Praise: Day 18 - Doors He Opens

Welcome to Day 18 of our #21DaysofPraise series! Today, we celebrate the opportunities and open doors that God places in our lives. Each opportunity is a gift from Him, designed to help us grow, serve others, and fulfill our purpose.

Praise for Opportunities & Open Doors

Nwamaka 😊

Something funny happened this morning. For this #21DaysofPraise series, I usually go to my Google Photos to find a picture that best represents what I’m thankful for each day. I search for words like “creation,” “grace,” “prayer,” etc. Today, I searched for the word “opportunity,” and the picture above popped up. I froze. MediaCraft? I hesitated. But then, the Holy Spirit gently whispered, "That was a door He opened for you."

I had many reasons for my hesitation, but I’ll share two of them with you. First let’s look at the scripture. 

Verse of the Day: Revelation 3:8
“See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name.” — (NIV)

“I know all that you’ve done. Now I have set before you a wide-open door that none can shut. For I know that you possess only a little power, yet you’ve kept my word and haven’t denied my name.” — (TPT)

It’s interesting to read what Jesus says here. He says that although I possessed only a little power, I have kept His word and not denied His name. Here is something to point out: It is okay to not be strong. It is okay to need help because it is in our weakness that we reach out to Jesus and receive the strength that we need from Him. Do not let your own weakness stop you from walking through the open doors. Know that you are not alone and that the power of God is with you. That was a Word for me!

In this world, God opens and shuts doors in our lives according to His will for us. He knows what we can handle per season. The doors could be a position, a friendship, or even a place.

As I reflect on this, I think about all the doors God has opened and shut in my life. I have experienced both ends of the spectrum—open doors that I would have rather had shut and shut doors that I would have rather had opened. And as I faced each one of those doors in its time, it was hard to surrender my will and my plans to the reality I saw before me.

Reflecting on my journey, I can see how God has continually opened doors of opportunity. From career advancements to ministry roles, He has provided paths for me to walk through that have led to growth and blessings. One significant opportunity was when I was offered a position at MediaCraft Associates. I had taken a career break almost three years prior, and it seemed as though the position was beyond my qualifications. It was a step of faith, but I felt God’s assurance and support. That role, that office, that door in that little time became a marking point in my life. I’m yet to unpack the experiences, impact, and opportunities that door brought my way.


I have never really thanked God for the opportunity I had at MediaCraft as much as I did today. I see it more clearly now. It was a door He opened—A door to an upgraded version of AMAKAMEDIA. A door to greater possibilities. A door to deeper revelations of grace. A door to deeper reverence for God. Thank You, Jesus!

The Lord is our doorkeeper. The blessing of open doors comes during seasons of transition, discomfort, or even inspiration. Sometimes we think that a transition has to be a long journey. The truth is, God can set a door in your life even at this moment and move you from one place into a whole NEW place in a moment.

True gratitude comes in accepting the doors as they are.

A fitting praise song for today is "Jehovah Overdo" by Chidinma. This song celebrates God's power and ability to open doors and create opportunities that seem impossible.

Heavenly Father, thank You for the opportunities and open doors You place in our lives. Your guidance and provision lead us to places we never imagined. I praise You for the ways You have directed my path and provided opportunities for growth and service. Help us to recognize and embrace these opportunities, trusting in Your perfect timing and plan. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Your Turn:
How has God opened doors of opportunity in your life? Reflect on a time when He provided a path or opportunity that significantly impacted you. Share your stories in the comments or on social media with the hashtag #21DaysofPraise.

Here are clips of some of my best moments working at MediaCraft: 

Here is your reminder to praise God for the doors He opens and trust that each opportunity is part of His perfect plan for your life.

Thanks for stopping by.

Stay inspired.
Stay positive.
Stay be-YOU-ti-ful.

Posted by Nwamaka Onyekachi
Let's connect on X: @Amakamedia
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Do Email: hello@amakamedia.com
And Bloglovin: Amakamedia
Heart Rays. . . giving light.

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