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21 Days of Praise: Day 1 - In Awe of His Creation

Welcome to the first day of our #21DaysofPraise series! Over the next three weeks, we will journey together in praising God for His many blessings and attributes. Today, we begin by focusing on the beauty and majesty of God's creation.

Praise for Creation

Praising God for the beauty and majesty of His creation.
Verse of the Day: PsaIm 19:1
"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands."(NIV)
“God’s splendor is a tale that is told, written in the stars. Space itself speaks his story through the marvels of the heavens. His truth is on tour in the starry vault of the sky, showing his skill in creation’s craftsmanship.” (TPT) I love it!
As I look around at the world God has made, I am filled with awe and wonder. The intricate details of a flower, the beautiful colours on butterflies, the vastness of the night sky, the power of the ocean waves—all of these speak to the greatness of our Creator.

There is so much about basking in that awe. Such moments are precious. Like when I am at the beach. Ah! 

One of my most profound moments of worship happened during a walk on the mountains (a peep into our honeymoon). As I stood on a peak, looking out over the expanse of valleys and forests below, I was overwhelmed by the beauty of it all. In that moment, I couldn't help but lift my hands and praise God for His magnificent creation.

Today, I encourage you to listen to "So Will I (100 Billion X)" by Hillsong United. This song beautifully captures the awe and wonder of God's creation.

Lord, we thank You for the beauty and majesty of Your creation. As we look around at the world You have made, we are in awe of Your power and creativity. Help us to always see Your hand in everything around us and to give You the praise You deserve. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Your Turn:
Sweetie, I’d like you to spend some time outside today appreciating and praising God for His creation.. Guess what? It’s been raining since the early hours of today in this part of the world. How amazing! Share your experiences or photos of nature in the comments section or on social media with the hashtag 21DaysofPraise.

Posted by Nwamaka Onyekachi
Let's connect on X: @Amakamedia
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Do Email: hello@amakamedia.com
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Heart Rays. . . giving light.

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