And again, I go through my personal journal. To keep in touch with my dream.
It's important that you share your dream. Write it out, draw it out and pray about it often. You have to commit yourself to do it. Keep them alive in your mind's eye. See the picture.
You have to use your five sex organs (the last time I checked, it was five. Or has it changed yet?). The eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin have to be involved.
It has to consume your being. Let it be all you eat, think and talk about.
I am a dreamer. 'Josephine' should have been my baptismal name, instead of 'Christine' (but I like it anyway).
I see me speaking to the public. I see me in the studio smiling behind the microphone and even laughing. Having fun!
I see me speaking to the public. I see me in the studio smiling behind the microphone and even laughing. Having fun!
I see me addressing an audience of not less than 50,000 and they are nodding, smiling and enjoying it.
I see people hearing my voice without seeing my face and can still tell whose voice it is.
I see people being transformed through my message/presentation.
I see people yearning to speak with me. To hear what I have to say about an issue.
I see me having my own radio show. My own radio station.
I see me as a voice, an orator. A presenter. A public person. A multimedia personality. AMAKAMEDIA.
I see me fulfilling my God-given purpose. I see me being alive and happy! :)
* * * * *
No matter how bad the conditions may get, the dream stays alive. In fact, it sustains and nurtures me during tough times.
So, if you hope to fulfil your purpose, increase your productivity and faith, start sharing. Sharing is Living.
When you believe it, conceive it and go achieve it.
I see dreams coming true today. Amen.
"And his brothers hated him the more..." Gen. 37:11. You might be hated, ridiculed or ignored. Nevertheless, dream on!
What do you see? Mind sharing with me?