Latetly, I've been very focused on choosing to trust God in more aspects of my life - From little things like renewing my mobile data plan to big things like investing every ounce of time and energy into this ministry, regardless of whether it is a financial success.
Are You Trusting?
If you're like me, you have faith, but you don't always fully trust God with EVERY aspect of your life. That's why you worry over things that God has got under control.
There are times when we just have to trust God blindly. Not exactly with a blind faith, but a faith built on a solid foundation; a faith with roots going down deep into our being. A place where our primal fears and apprehension collide with our seemingly logic and assumptions.
That moment when everything in us says, “Run, hide, quit, fight or give in,” that's when God shows up but we have to choose.
There are two things I recently discovered:
- To Trust God is a choice.
- To Trust God requires a demonstration, as "trust" is a verb (an action word).
I'm talking to myself as much as I'm talking to you. So I want to ask us a question . . .
I'm not just talking about trusting Him to provide food and shelter, but do you also trust Him enough to give away your only pot of food to someone else?
I'm not just talking about trusting Him to give you a job, but do you also trust Him enough to give up your job if He tells you to?
I'm not just talking about trusting Him to send you a spouse, but do you also trust Him enough to be content and grateful if He doesn't?
I'm not just talking about trusting Him to shield you from seeing or experiencing harmful or dangerous situations in real life, but do you also trust Him when He tells you not to watch TV shows that glorify immorality and violence?
I'm not just talking about trusting Him to provide money so you can go shopping, but do you also trust Him when He tells you not to go shopping?
Do you trust God even if none of your dreams come to pass?
Do you trust God when your prayers are still unanswered?
Do you trust God?
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Source: G+ |
What blessings or opportunities have we missed out on because we didn't trust God enough to get out of the boat?
Has there been a career or job opportunity that you didn't take even though God opened all the doors for you?
Instead of being content with what you have, have you been trying to "fix" a situation to get what you want?
Have you been offered the opportunity to experience something new - but you declined because you were scared or it was just outside your comfort zone?
For my sweet single ladies, was there a man He prepared for you, that you rejected or didn't even give a chance because he wasn't "tall enough", "rich enough", "your type" or "from your tribe"?
Or, in my case, did you dive in into another relationship even after He told you to stay off the radar, and focus on Him for just 30 Days?
Trust Is A Higher Level of Faith
To be honest, I have faith, but I haven't always trusted God. If I did, I would have made a lot of different choices.
OK, you already know about my impartial obedience to the 30-Day Man Fast instruction. Yeah? But I have DECIDED to FULLY TRUST GOD this time. I'm right on it.
So what I am trying to do today is to help you reflect on the past so you can be honest with yourself and God to TRUST HIM completely moving forward.
God doesn't want you to miss out on any of the blessings He has for you. But in order to receive them, you have to trust Him enough to take action - to try, to be open to something new (or something old) or something totally different.
You have to get out of the boat like Peter, BUT, you have to KEEP WALKING. Not giving up. Only moving forward.
Those who trust God are radiant, and their faces are never ashamed.
~ Psalm 34:5
A person who trusts God cannot be sad, worried or depressed. When you catch yourself worrying over the things that God has already got covered, ask yourself with every choice you make: "Am I trusting God?"
Stay inspired.
Happy New Week.
Written by Nwamaka Ajaegbu
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Heart Rays . . . giving out the light.