There goes that word again, sexy. Permit me this month. Lol.
Have you ever found the perfect pair of shoes, bought them, brought them home, put them in your wardrobe, and never worn them? Scrap that. Ever heard of this saying, "you can't understand a person until you have walked a mile in their shoes", what's your take on it?
Have you ever found the perfect pair of shoes, bought them, brought them home, put them in your wardrobe, and never worn them? Scrap that. Ever heard of this saying, "you can't understand a person until you have walked a mile in their shoes", what's your take on it?
Wear Your Own Shoes
When you are ready to cut something out or close some chapters in your life, God speaks into your spirit, and you must prepare your heart.
Preparing your heart involves taking tough decisions. And the decisions you take bring you to this place that drives you to say "Yes Lord". This is a place that no one else understands except you.
There is a place called purpose that no one else can occupy except you. You are the only one who can wear these shoes.
The shoes represent the purpose and path that God specifically designed for you.
When you are ready to cut something out or close some chapters in your life, God speaks into your spirit, and you must prepare your heart.
Preparing your heart involves taking tough decisions. And the decisions you take bring you to this place that drives you to say "Yes Lord". This is a place that no one else understands except you.
There is a place called purpose that no one else can occupy except you. You are the only one who can wear these shoes.
The shoes represent the purpose and path that God specifically designed for you.
We've heard the popular saying "You can't understand someone until you have walked a mile in their shoes," the truth is, you cannot understand. No matter how hard you try, you will still see things from YOUR own perspective.
Although social media allows us to extract memories or experiences from others into our own brains, yet they will NOT be the same!
No two situations are the same just as no two people are. Not even twins.
Why close your eyes for the whole day to know how a blind person feels? You wouldn't know how it feels! It might give you a better perspective but it cannot be the same!
No two situations are the same just as no two people are. Not even twins.
We are all wired differently and we see things differently.
We are all made up of our perceptions, our experiences, our culture, our genders, our whole being.
We are all made up of our perceptions, our experiences, our culture, our genders, our whole being.
To walk in another person's shoes would mean wiping off all of who we are and then copying who the other person is. And it is NOT even possible to do that.
I choose to walk in my sexy yellow shoes. Even if they hurt, I would gladly wear them. Do I even have a choice? Lol.
You might admire someone else's shoes and even envy them, but what you don't know is whether they feel pain or pleasure in them. Someone might appear with a smile, but are they really happy?
Sweeties, envy no one. Hate no one. Judge no one. It doesn't matter whether they are in some popping red shoes, or refreshing green shoes, or bold black shoes, or exciting yellow shoes, wear your own shoes with gratitude and confidence because no one has the same size, the same style, and the same taste as YOU.
Walk in the confidence of who He has created you to be. . . in your own shoes because they are your perfect fit!
A quick experiment for you: Look down at your feet right now.
What shoes are you wearing?
Posted by Nwamaka Ajaegbu
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Heart Rays . . . giving light.