• https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhT8QfoXjvBxtYGCcqqG7iQYfA-p7hU6LChnPfHftqmLUqeEL1dxNT1TLdmInBXc3XERxRxIDzQCV4Z2qMik2_HdfMqvItor0AWG9fML3zKhIP5q7X792iBi7s0_GO-U3J5_QWcQhwqrEk/s1600/do+not+be+weary+in+well+doinf.jpg


WIW: You Already Have What You Need

I know, I know. The title of this post sounds ridiculous to you. I’m not saying you should stay in a perfect state of contentment. I am saying you should focus on what you have.

Life, as I come to realize when I’m thinking most clearly, is so duper good. Even when I’m not yet married, not earning the salary I want, and even when things aren’t quite going exactly my way, I can still look around and say, “Wow. I am thankful for what I already have!”

You Already Have It

In January, I started Sunday-Style by telling you that my wardrobe strategy for 2018 would be "work with what you have."

We are now almost in August and I am proud to let you know that one of your favourite Lifestyle bloggers has lived truly by keeping through to her word. Awesome. I deserve some accolades. Lol. The only new clothes I got are the ones I had to specially get for specific occasions like the other day.

Gone are the days when I take a long look at my wardrobe and say to myself, "I have nothing to wear." Last year or so, I wrote 'How To Repeat Your Clothes Without Anyone Knowing," if you haven’t read it go ahead and check it out. It's still the same thing I am sharing with you today.


Who Gets Excited About Monday?

Imagine waking up in the morning and you scream "it's Monday! I am so excited to get back to work!". Imagine slapping the alarm off and then break into a musical inspired montage where you tap dance to the bathroom and breeze out the door, excited for what the day holds for you.

That might be a bit exaggerated but it doesn't hurt to imagine, does it? 😀

Get Excited About Monday

Who gets excited about Mondays? Well, it depends on who you ask. Someone who only works on the weekends would be super excited because Monday is the new Friday for such a person.

However, if you work the regular Monday – Friday, you might have to "find" some excitement about Mondays.

In prep for a new week, here is an inspirational quote.

“Believe you can and you’re halfway there.”


STYLE: The People In Your Picture

Hi Sweethearts of my blogosphere! It's been a minute. How have you been? How is it going? I'm doing fine myself. Hopped in to say hi and thank you for being here. :)

People In The Picture

My intention is to share another inspiration of 'what I wore' but something else seems to be happening to this post. In the course of taking personal pictures for today's 'Sunday-Style' post, the location was hijacked by some Boko Haram, yes the bombers showed up (please take the pun likely, lol).

I see my script changing. . .

Well, this story has to change because there are other people in the picture. I am not the only one in it.

So, the hard truth hit me badly:

It is not about you.


Styling This Very Moment

Hey there! How are you feeling in this moment? Yep, in this very moment you are reading this. If you're aware of that feeling right now, then you're living in the moment! 😇

Styling This Very Moment

I told you I'd be taking a break off the blog for about three weeks so that I can commit to writing and finishing the 'HWMH' book but hey, I'm back here in less than two weeks. I couldn't help but to fully enjoy this moment and live in the present. 

There is something uneasy about holding up for the future and letting the present slip by. It is not a comfortable position to be in because life unfolds in the present. And sometimes we could be letting the present slip away, letting time to rush past unobserved and unseized, and squandering the precious seconds of our lives as we worry about the future and ruminate about what's past.


What I Wore: The Truth About How Long It Takes

Hi sweethearts of my blogosphere! Happy New Month! Glad we made it into the second half of the year. Thankful for life and everything else.

It's Style-Sunday!

Long Ankara Skirt

Like I told you here, I am writing a book. For now we'd call it #HWMH. And writing HWMH has not been easy.

Writing a book, a fictitious story about your life in a way that will interest anyone other than your mother is not a joke. In fact, “this happened to me” and “here’s what I think” posts can be boring if care is not taken. . .and can even make you appear as a narcissist.

But then a blogger like yours truly comes along and hopefully wishes to eloquently share her own personal story about her thoughts and life — style, career, relationship, everything. Only she’s not writing in retrospect, with the insight of knowing how her story will end. Instead, she’s telling this tale as it unfolds.
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