DIARY: November To Remember (2020)

Do You Believe In Marriage At First Sight? (Interview)
For weeks, I battled with myself whether to bring The MACH Show onto Heart Rays. I didn't want to mix both forms of content but it dawned on me that if I don't share what I've been up to lately, then my status as a Lifestyle Blogger would probably be questionable. Lol. Lately, I have been expressing myself more on YouTube. So, if you are not subscribed to PerfectMachForeverTV, you just might be missing something.
Anyway, I have decided to try as much as possible to share highlights from each episode of The MACH Show as being led. I trust that it would bless you. Here is the second episode:
Married At First Sight
----- Introduction ----
Presenter (Me): Hi guys. This is PerfectMachForeverTV. Welcome again to our channel. Today, we have this fascinating couple here to tell us about their journey. . . we'll get to know them and then have some fun! (Everyone smiles)
Presenter (Me): *looks toward the couple* Thank you so much for having us. Let's meet you both.
Nnanna (Husband): Hello Everyone. My name is Nnanna. And that's my wife, *points at her* Irene.Irene (Wife): *blushes* Irene.
Nnanna (Husband): We are the Inyamah Family.

Igbo and Yoruba: Truth About Inter-Tribal Marriage in Nigeria
Can you marry from another tribe? In the third episode of the MACH SHOW, we are exposing the realities of an intertribal marriage in Nigeria. Grab some popcorn because. . . hmm!

Nikki Laoye's Failed Marriage Broke My Heart
Christian Failed Marriages
In 2015, I blogged about Nikki Laoye. I shared how much I adore her love story. The fact that she and her ex husband (jeez! Ex hus-what?? That doesn't even sound OK to me) married as virgins was a source of comfort, sort of encouragement to me. At that time, I was a Christian single walking in purpose with a resolve to keep myself for marriage.

Dressed Up For The MACH Show This Sunday
The MACH Show Style
Marriage has been such an amazing experience. I am so grateful for it and my passion for promoting the Kingdom marriage increases daily. A healthy marriage gives the world a beautiful picture of the gospel.
Based on this understanding, Kachi and I birthed The MACH Show — a Kingdom marriage series where we have great conversations and fun times with godly couples.

What I Wore To Church Today (After Lockdown)
Church After Lockdown
First, let me take off my mask to show you pictures of what I wore to church today.
Your guess is as good as mine; I wore (more than) a touch of Ankara to church this Sunday. Ankara is my happiness plug. (Lol. What does that even mean?). Whatever. I am always happy to wear the most beautiful fabric in the world. Yeah, I said that.

This Is How You Break Free From A Narcissistic Relationship
Breaking Up With A Narcissist
I have come across the term "narcissism" a couple of times but I have never had any cause to use it. It didn't sound interesting to me. The word only started to make much sense at that point of being brutally honest with myself about a past relationship. For a long time, I lived in the lies that I told myself and it delayed my healing process.
It's been said that "your greatest struggle is your greatest blessing". And relationships are my greatest struggles.

How To Practically Live Daily For God

Why Did Jesus Say The Stones Will Cry Out?
Stones Will Not Rise
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Cover art for Kachi's newest track titled 'Stones Will Not Rise'. |
"I tell you that if these [people] should keep silent, the stones would immediately cry out."The scene was the “Triumphal Entry”. Jesus was on a donkey colt entering Jerusalem as people spread their cloaks on the road in front of him, joyfully shouting praises to God, “Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord!”
— Luke 19:40
Let's read the passage:
"Then, as He was now drawing near the descent of the Mount of Olives, the whole multitude of the disciples began to rejoice and praise God with a loud voice for all the mighty works they had seen, saying:
" 'Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord!' Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!"
And some of the Pharisees called to Him from the crowd, "Teacher, rebuke Your disciples."
But He answered and said to them, "I tell you that if these should keep silent, the stones would immediately cry out.""
— Luke 19:37-40

Finding True Love After A Terrible Heartbreak
1. Stop stalking Your Ex
2. Avoid reminiscing on old times
3. Find a new hobby
4. Dedicate yourself to work
5. Spend more time with God
6. Trust that you are deserving of true love
Let's shed a little light on three points out of those six:

Links To Blog Posts That Will Inspire You
In case you missed it: shortly before I got to 30, I devoted time and effort to sharing lessons from my 20s. Here is a recap.
Excerpts from TWENTY PIECES
Lesson 1: How To Navigate An Extra Year In The University READ HERE
Lesson 2: Will You Regret The Things You Do? READ HERE
Lesson 3: My First Clubbing Experience READ HERE

Diary: My Friend, Caleb Wrote This "Birthday Poem" For Me
The beauty and brain of Ajaegbu
A friend so tender and caring
My days in UNEC was wonderful cos of you
Such a sweetheart that my heart is already sweet
Amaka....the babe with so much talent and passion for good things

Dear Diary, This Is To One Million Souls
I Will Wait For It
It's 4 am. I woke up crying. The fear is creeping back in. The memories all come flooding in so quickly. My pillow is soaked. I can't even stop the flood of tears from streaming down my cheeks.
It's all happening at once. So many emotions. So many thoughts. Feelings of anxiety. Feelings of victory. Feelings of the unknown and feelings of the known. Which is scarier? The unknown? Or the known? Knowing what once was. Knowing the fear, the loss, the pain. Knowing that the result was close by. Seeing the hope painfully built slipping away. Feeling so certain yet doubting the possibility.

When The Heartbreaker Doesn't Deserve Your Apology
Blessed Are The Peacemakers
Heartbreak blows you open. That's certainly not the most wonderful opening sentence, but tell me that's not wisdom. Don't leave me!
Oh. You didn't catch my drift? Sorry. Maybe that's why I drifted from the relationships I threw myself into, because the guys couldn't catch me. Wisdom. Don't leave me!
Oops. I'm not playing with you like they do in Italy. Give me another chance. Please. You can see I am not writing don't leave me in italics like I did in the previous paragraphs.

DIARY: Lovely Pictures From My Quarantined 30th Birthday Party
However, during this time of social distancing, as a result of COVID-19, a lot of adjustments had to be made. So I had a small party in my living room with twelve (12) of my closest pals. It was such an exciting and emotional event altogether. I'm beyond grateful.
My Birthday Party
To make it feel more like a typical birthday party, amongst my twelve-guest invitees, I had a Master of Ceremonies, a Guest Artist, a DJ, a cook, a photographer and balloon-blowers for decorations. It was basically what I would have done on a normal day, but this time, in a smaller way.

It's My 30th Birthday! Please Say A Prayer For Me
Blowing starts here.

Self Interview: Interrogative Questions To Ask Yourself At 25
I'll be 30 in less than 24 hours. Whaaaaaat!!!
Q and A Before 30
Q1: What are you doing? Why are you doing it?
A: Like right now? I am writing. Lol.
I am writing because. . .Wait. Honestly, I thought a lot about why I'm writing. I was wondering whether I should write for my self only (and not share it) but it didn't feel right to me. So I am writing to FULLY live.

Are You Thinking: "Would I Miss Being 20-Something Again?"
Saying Goodbye To My 20s
20s feel like they started yesterday. I have great memories about everything I felt from my 20th birthday up until now. I think it's because I am very intuitive.
I feel things deeply.
I am fully aware of what I feel when I feel it.

Links To Prove That Style Never Fades
- What's Your Style Statement?
- 12 Reasons To Dress Up (Be a Fashionista)
- Keep Evolving Your Personal Style
- Challenge Your Style Next Month
- How To Cook Your Style Sweet
- Ankara Skirt I've Been Wearing For 10years
- How To Keep Repeating Your Clothes
- How I Shop For Clothes
- Everything I Wore at 27
See you tomorrow for another blogbuster post!

Writing In Your Diary Helps You Keep Track Of Your Life
Each year, I got myself a private diary to pour out my emotions, say what I would have said to a best friend, and just write.
At 24, I launched this blog as a birthday gift to myself. I didn't exactly know what I was doing but I knew it was the best thing to do at the time. I wanted to share my feelings and thoughts with the world.

Writing Is Prophetic
Prophetic Writing
Sometimes I don't even understand what I had written until days or weeks later.
Prophetic writing isn’t spooky or weird. It’s pretty normal. And with a little practice, it can become a beautiful way to communicate God’s heart to others.

Your Office Is The Best Place To Prove You're A Christian
This post is the 13th lesson. I hope it inspires you in some way. Happy reading!
Christian In The Workplace
I graduated from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN) at 20.
Between turning 20 and turning 29, I have worked with different individuals and organizations across diverse sectors of the media and communications industry.
Broadcast Media — FUTA Radio;
Telecommunications — MTN;
ICT— PM Global Technology Service Ltd;
Digital Media — SBI Media;
Amongst others.
You gotta believe me when I say it's not easy being a Christian in the workplace. Right?

It's 10 Days To My 30th Birthday! I Wrote Another Book!
Twenty Pieces
I present to you the cover of my second book. Whoop!
My plan was to reveal everything on this blog, but God gave me a bigger one. This is nothing like what you have been reading on the #20Pieces20 blog series. Well, may be it is.
Being in my 20s was puzzling. It was a decade full of questions and quests as I try to figure out everything — who am I? Am I really in love with them? What am I doing with my life? What do I want my career to look like?

Don't Quit Your 9-5 Job Until You Feel It In Your Gut
In my 20s, I quit my job twice.
It was a scary thing for me to do at both times.
The first time I quit my job (which lasted for two years), I was not financially prepared. The only thing that kept me going was the fact that I still lived with my parents at the time, which artificially deflated my cost of living (while simultaneously increasing theirs).
It wasn't an easy time but I wouldn't trade the experience for anything.

A Woman Is The Girl Who Accepts Herself
It took me almost half of a decade to know that I am a pretty woman whether married or not.

Marriage Is Still Not The Goal

An Open Letter To The Guy Whose Heart I Broke
This is the eighth lesson. I hope it inspires you in some way. Happy reading!
Letter To My Ex
Dear Ex,
I know what it means to be heart broken.
It's like a knife piercing into your heart so slowly.
It's been years since I broke your heart and I still remember how much I felt bad for rejecting you.
I wanted to want you but I couldn't.
Trust me when I say that it was nothing you did. 'It's not you, it's me', so cliche, yet truer words have never been spoken.
I felt guilty every time you called. I felt like a fraud when we were hanging out together. I hated myself for leading you on.
I knew I wasn't ready for the relationship you were asking for. I had many mistakes to make and the experiences that didn't require a committed relationship. I'm sorry.

Heartbreaks Never Last Forever
This post is the seventh of twenty. I hope it inspires you in some way. Happy reading!
Heartbreak Empowers You
My biggest struggle in my 20s wasn't having an extra year at school. No. My greatest weakness was boys, boys and boys!
I was a sucker for love.
I wanted to love and be truly loved.
But I wasn't lucky in love.
I was recovering from one heartbreak after another.

This Is What You Will Learn From Your First Full-time Job
This post is the sixth. I hope it inspires you in some way. Happy reading!
First-time Employee
My first official job was a call centre agent.
Thinking about it now, this role also played out in my second and third jobs. I was always handling calls and managing incoming or outgoing information for each organization/brand.
I will tell you about my other jobs in subsequent posts. However, let's focus on what I learned from my first job.
That You Will Be Scared
Nothing beats the feeling you get when you receive your first employment letter. After applying and going to the interview, getting the job is one of the best feelings in the world. You will be filled with anxiety and excitement all together.
The first time is always potentially terrifying. It can be impossible and daunting, but some people make it possible and learn the ropes. I did.

Admitting Your Mistakes Is A Sign Of Strength
This post is the fifth lesson. I hope it inspires you in some way. Happy reading!
Own Your Mistakes
You may be tempted to say, "If only”. If only I did this differently? If only I made a better decision here? If Only. . . If only. . . If only. . .
Don’t go there.
If you made mistakes, learn from them. If you need to apologize, do so. But don’t build a home in the past. The past is a point of reference, not a place of residence.
Once you identify mistakes, come back to the present. Immediately. If not, you will live in your past rather than learn from it. When you live in the past, you’re next door neighbours are regret and bitterness. And they visit everyday.

Don't Do Things You Will Regret Later (3): I Almost Dated A Married Man
This post is the fourth lesson. I hope it inspires you in some way. Happy reading!
Dating A Married Man
I’m not necessarily proud of it, but I’ve been with a married man. I was young and totally didn’t understand the consequences of perpetuating such bad behaviour.
Spending the first two decades of my life in school conditioned me to be intense and results-oriented about everything.
You set out to do A, B or C and either you accomplish them or you don’t. If you do, you’re great. If you don’t, you fail.
But in my 20s I learned that life doesn’t actually work that way all the time. Sure, it’s nice to always have goals and have something to work towards, but I’ve found that actually attaining all of those goals is not the point.
Going a half way through might be your most successful outcome.
I'll explain. . .

Don't Do Things You Will Regret Later(2): First Time I Went Clubbing
This is the third lesson. I hope it inspires you in some way. Happy reading!
Clubbing Experience
Fresh out of the University.
I was determined to rock my NYSC year.
After graduation, when the majority of my friends and coursemates were entering the “real” world with “real” jobs lined up, I packed my bags (well, over-packed them) and moved to Akure, Ondo State to serve Nigeria for the year.
It wasn't an unusual thing for corps members who were posted to Akure to go clubbing on Fridays. It was a way of living the "good life".

Don't Do Things You Will Regret Later
This is the second lesson. I hope it inspires you in some way. Happy reading!
Do It Anyway
I was a good girl.
I had always been a good girl.
My parents trained me in the way that I should go. But it was my choice whether to stay in or to depart away from that way.
For two decades, I stayed in the path. I didn't do what I shouldn't be caught doing. I remained obedient to them. Obedient to God. And obedient to the Spirit within.
At 21, I wanted to have a glimpse of what life could be as a bad girl.

Navigating Extra Year In A Nigerian University Humbles You
I will be hitting the big three-0 on the 26th day of the coolest month. And like I told you last week, I will be sharing lessons from being a 20-something just before my journey into 30s begins.
This is the first lesson. I hope it inspires you in some way. Happy reading!
Extra Year Experience
At 20, I was to graduate from the university of Nigeria, Nsukka but I failed two final-year courses that kept me back in school.
I still claim to have graduated at 20 whenever I'm asked because technically speaking. . .yeah?
Nearly all my course mates had graduated and were moving on for NYSC when I found myself in the exam hall with a pen and paper writing ACC411 and ACC401. (Or, was it ACC402? I can't even remember. Lol). I am laughing about it right now but it wasn't funny at 21.

DIARY: These 20 Things I Learnt In My 20s Are Blockbusters
I'm going to be taking you on a very large explosive-bomb journey. Get ready!
20 Lessons Before 30 Begins
We all have secrets.
Secrets that are very deep and some that are not so very intense.
Some secrets are shared when the right time comes while some will never ever see the light of day.
I will be hitting thirty on Friday, 26 June. And the time has come for me to share some of my secrets with you. I will be using the last few days of my 20s to share things you definitely haven't heard me say. And even if you were among those who were affected, you would have never read it from me in a manner such as this.
My secrets, which would be both inspiring and entertaining, will be shared daily from Monday June 1 until the day before my birthday, Thursday June 25.
Here is a sneak peek of my life at 20s:

STYLE: How To Make Simple Ankara Face Masks Without Sewing Machine
If you have been a keen follower of my blog (or any of my social media), then you already know that I love love love Ankara. The African print fabric (mostly known as Ankara) can reflect your stylish personality while helping you stay safe on the streets.
First, I trust you are aware that the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends wearing cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain (e.g., grocery stores and pharmacies), especially in areas of significant community-based transmission. Wearing home-made face masks is a voluntary public health measure in this epidemic.
Having said that, I can now go ahead to show you how I made my Ankara face mask in twenty minutes.

6 Powerful Lessons From Mike Bamiloye's Biopic, The Train: The Journey Of Faith
Watching his biopic which was recently published on Youtube was a roller coaster ride. I laughed and cried. I felt the move of God at some point. Something sure leaped inside of me.
Lessons From The Biopic Of Mike Bamiloye
I know that I will never be the same again after watching this movie. The Train gave me a new direction, light and encouragement on my own journey. I want to tell you some of the things I learned from the movie. I am actually telling myself too, because I would want to revisit these lessons.
1. The Vision Is For An Appointed Time
This movie has strengthened my resolve to follow God's plan for my life. No matter what life throws at me, I should always be of good cheer.
The vision is for an appointed time, and at the end (not at the beginning) it shall speak. This tiny seed (dream, vision) God put in my heart will eventually become a mighty tree, as long as I commit to the journey of faith with obedience and patience.

Taking A Break From Taking A Break
Aside from the very first two weeks after my Wedding Day, these past two weeks have been the most exciting, refreshing and eventful one. I literally was locked up at home with my husband for the entire period. And trust me, I enjoyed every minute of it!
It’s surprising how loud silence can be. Especially when you’re not used to it. This has been my experience each day, sitting there in the arms of the one I love. Alone. It was beautifully silent — but for the oscillating sound of our neighbour's generator set — and my soul decompressed from weeks on end in the rush to achieve my goals. My body and soul has found fresh air there that was hard to come by before the lockdown. I am grateful.
I want you to join me. Not in my husband's arms (that is never going to happen) but in some silent, occasional solitude of your own. You need a break from the chaos, from the noise and the crowds, more than you may think at first. You need the spiritual disciplines of silence and solitude.

Dear Diary, The Thieves Couldn't Shake It Off
I Live For Jesus
I feel the world pulling you away from your beliefs, and there are more distractions and temptations than ever before. But there’s hope if you put Jesus at the center of your life. And live for him.
You know I had tried to live for Jesus in my own strength, right? But it was exhausting and discouraging. Until I began relying on the Holy Spirit, Jesus’ life became free to flow through me. Now, I have what my heart longed for most — an intimate relationship with God.
I find that the nearer I draw close to God and come to know Him more, the greater His desires naturally become mine. Obedience to His will becomes easier. His instructions become a priority.

What To Do At Home In This Coronavirus Pandemic And Lockdown Season
I'm all up for a Creative Lifestyle. I see life as an opportunity for self-expression. No matter what happens, I strive to find expression through that.
And I understand that Creative work has seasons. Part of the work is to know which season it is, and act accordingly.
This season is highly conducive for creativity. You can't afford to be bored. And you can't afford to be idle.
This is a good time to get creative. For real.

STYLE: When It Becomes A "Jean" To Go To Church
Going To Church In Difficult Times
We are not permitted to go to church till further notice because the government has mandated everyone to maintain self-isolation and social-distancing to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.
Social distancing and bans on large groups mean regular Sunday services are not feasible. Churches have had to adapt to a world with coronavirus;
Some have moved to live streaming their gatherings, some have posted videos church members can watch later while some have devised a means of splitting their services into batches of a 50-member congregation (fifty being the advised maximum number of a crowd gathering in this time).