Exactly a month ago, I officially announced my pregnancy on
YouTube through a
music video. It is probably the most monumental thing to happen to me in my life so far, and I am documenting my journey on this blog.
This has been on the draft list for so long and now it’s time to publish it. 😊
Mid September 2020 - Mid December 2020
Week 1 - week 12

My blog,
Heart Rays has been with me for the best part of my twenties, and over the years I’ve shared personal anecdotes (choosing a career path, finding love, getting heartbroken, getting a job, battling with lust, quitting a job, getting married, etc) and I enjoy looking back on those from time to time.
For those who have followed me from the early days, it feels like a natural progression for my blog as I now transcend into my early
thirties with my first pregnancy.
I wouldn’t say
finding out I was pregnant wasn’t overwhelming, scary, exciting, surprising etc etc etc. It took me a while to get my head around it. I didn’t know what and how to share the journey. I also didn’t FEEL that it was the right thing to do. However, I spilled my emotions into my
private diary most of the time. And now I KNOW this is the right time for me to share publicly.
Dear Diary,
This is our first child, so everything about my pregnancy has been new. And with that comes a mix of emotions. There’s not a day that goes by that I haven’t thought about my pregnancy and I find myself questioning far more than I would otherwise do — Is this twinge or ache or pain normal? Should I be feeling this exhausted? Why am I getting headaches more often? Why am I not being sick? Is anything even happening in there?
That last sentence might sound funny, but I didn’t have the first scan until around 8 weeks. Because I wasn’t experiencing the normal symptoms (mainly sickness, although I was feeling tired constantly) and of course couldn’t feel anything in my stomach at this point, I started to constantly question whether everything was okay.
I asked Google, “when is the baby supposed to kick my stomach?”. Yeah, something like that.