Kachi and I decided to commemorate our 5th anniversary with a special Q&A video. It was quite a reflective journey as we share insights, lessons learned, and the real-life experiences that have shaped our relationship.
“My Wife Has Full Access to all My Bank Accounts,” Kachi CG Revealed in this Video
Kachi and I decided to commemorate our 5th anniversary with a special Q&A video. It was quite a reflective journey as we share insights, lessons learned, and the real-life experiences that have shaped our relationship.

Married For 5 Years! That’s 1,826 days of Being a Wife!

DIARY: November to Remember (2023)

I Asked 4 People, “Who Do You Say That I Am?”
“But you—who do you say that I am?” Jesus asked.

Don’t be a Silhouette of Your Authentic Self
I have been gleaning from a number of inspiring women since the WOWMAN Conference. As in! God has women oh! I see the amazing things He is doing with/through the lives of these women and I’m like, “I want to be in this army!”.
I am currently seeking God’s face to UNDERSTAND the uniqueness and specifications of my design, makeup and purpose. I am seeking clear-cut direction and focus-driven vision. I have a burning desire to step into my season as a woman who is:
ACTIVELY positioned in her unique place of assignment ✔️
POWERFULLY armed with strategic tools for execution ✔️
AUDACIOUSLY living out authenticity, grace and love ✔️

Growing Like Beautiful Flowers

STYLE: Embrace Femininity with Blue
Happy Style-Sunday!

Kachi CG Releases New Official Music Video "Baby Girl" in Celebration of International Day of the Girl Child 2023

Promise Me – Pastor Jerry Eze
“Amaka, remember your life is meant to showcase the glory and beauty of God.”
Please promise me that you will value Divine Validation over what anyone feels or thinks about you.
Promise me that you will not sabotage yourself and miss your Divine Timing.
Promise me that you will always see the Best out of every situation.
Please promise me that against all odds you won’t let your dream die.

Writing From Scratch Is No Longer Scratching, Is It?

Major Takeaway from the ‘Just Us Girls’ Conference 2023
I am big on attending conferences, and I derive satisfaction in sharing my key lessons and notes with you. Remember when I shared my highlights from The Spirit-Life Conference in 2017? How about my notes from a Ruth-Naomi Meeting in 2018? And my lessons from the Excellent Leadership in 2019? Aha, you see!

Never Ever Write “My Husband Said” In A Professional Email
When you're communicating in a professional setting, it's essential to maintain impartiality and avoid introducing personal biases or opinions into the conversation. Relying on someone else's opinion or authority in a professional setting suggests that you're not confident in your own knowledge or ability to make decisions. This can undermine your credibility in the workplace.

New Job Jitters? A Guide to Navigating Your First Day with Confidence and Success
As someone who has been through this experience before, I have some advice for those of you who may be starting a new job soon. Here are some tips to help you survive your first day at a new job:
One of the most important things you can do on your first day at a new job is to come with an open mind. Be willing to learn, to ask questions, and to take on new challenges. Remember that you are there to grow and develop in your career, and that will require a willingness to be open to new ideas and ways of doing things.

50+ Ways To Treat Yourself With Love
The concept was originally created by Gary Chapman in his book, The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts, based on his experience facilitating marriage counselling. Essentially what he found out was that couples expressed love in different ways, and if they weren’t clear on how the other person liked to receive love, chances are there was a disconnect in the relationship.
I completely agree with Gary.
Everyone gives and receives love differently. And I’m not just talking about relationships…I’m talking about loving yourself, too! Your love language can also translate into a self care love language and can guide which activities will be most rewarding for you.Wait.

How To Pour From An Empty Cup When You’ve Been Called
As a Christian. Wife. Mother of two beautiful girls. Author, blogger, teacher, speaker, and book lover. I am heavy on SELF CARE this year. I said it here. Yeah.
HeartRays (This blog) has been my safe space to share all things Christian - singlehood, (un)employment, marriage, fashion, motherhood and conservative issues since 2014. I believe in bold truth-telling, authenticity and purposeful living.

STYLE: Mummy and Daughter In Ankara Skirt
No doubt, having a baby is one of the biggest
joys of life, one that is beyond words. However,
there are plenty of reasons to rejoice in having a
baby girl(s)! There is something very different
about playing dress-up with your little girl. The
beautiful dresses, the varied patterns, the
cheery colours, the accessories, it just never

STYLE: I Can’t Wait To Start Matching Outfits With My Daughter(s)

New Hair, New Me
Riding through the waves of last year was as one would say. . .very chaotic but I made it through the storm. I welcomed a lot of big changes and one of them was to birth another human being and I am super grateful that I did! Glory to God!
It was 4 weeks following the birth of my daughter. I brushed my hair and was quite shocked to see a large amount of hair attached to the bristles of my brush.
I had been forewarned about it, but this was worse than I imagined. By ‘it’, I mean postpartum hair loss.