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A Mom’s Spontaneous Moment With Her Girls

Isn’t it interesting that this post coincides with the International Day of the Girl Child? Happy International Day of the Girl Child 2024! 

On Being Girls

Happy International Day of the Girl Child 2024_amakamedia
Girliest girls 💛

One of the books I read in the third quarter of the year was ‘Bringing Up Girls’ by Dr. James Dobson. Such a great book. I actually read his first book on raising boys before discovering he had also written for the girls. How amazing. I really enjoyed it and loved it even more because he showed me ME. The little girl in me received some doses of healing. 

Here’s an excerpt from the book that resonated with me on my journey of being a girl:
Girls…. They are tender and more easily wounded than their brothers. And politically correct or not, I maintain that their inherent emotional nature makes them more easily manipulated. A longing for love and connectedness lies deep within their feminine souls. This is why they open themselves without commitment to guys who might, given a miracle, give them the affirmation they crave. They don’t seem to get much pleasure out of the perverse acts they perform. They are hoping against hope that some adolescent boy out there will fill the void and ease the ache inside. And increasingly, those unmet needs are created by something missing in the girls’ relationships with their mothers and/or fathers. 
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